What are we humans made of and what makes us tick? Use the models and the microscope to find out what goes on inside our body. Identify plants and animals and see how they fit into the Earth’s environment.
Exhibition requirements

• A gallery or classroom with about 50 sq metres of open floor space
• 12 tables
• Electrical power
• The exhibition must be supervised at all times when in use, preferably by staff accustomed to working in an interactive environment


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Exhibit list

Animal Sounds – identify the different animals sounds you can hear when wearing headphones and moving them across the picture of animals in their environment
Animal Visions – mimic the vision of different creatures by wearing the goggles with modified lenses
Balance – test balancing ability by standing on a small pivoted platform whilst a timer runs
Body Parts – try to identify casts of different human body parts by feeling inside the boxes.  Their identities can be revealed by lifting the flaps afterwards
Digestion – listen through phones being moved across a ‘talking’ picture of the human digestive system and find out what happens to food as it passes along the alimentary canal
Fossil Find – identify the source of a set of fossils arranged in time sequence, using the picture key
Human Torso & Organs – arrange a set of internal organs into their correct places inside a full size human torso
Key – classify a number of creatures set inside resin blocks by viewing them with magnifying glasses and using the key based on a number of defining characteristics
Reaction Timer – test reaction times using a time lapse display, by pushing a button as quickly as possible after a light or sound trigger is seen or heard
Skeleton Hand – a model of a human hand and wrist showing bones and tendons can be operated by flexing the fingers of the hand individually using the push-rod buttons
Sunflower – a large model plant simulates the ability of plants to use light energy.  By moving the leaves around the light uptake can be maximised and registers on a meter inside the flower head
Video Microscope – the image produced by a microscope is displayed on a monitor and samples provided can be examined in detail