Explore magnetism and electricity, test and construct circuits and learn about different ways to generate electricity. Make a battery using your own body and find out about materials and their capacity to conduct or insulate.
Exhibition requirements

• A gallery or classroom with about 50 sq metres of open floor space
• 12 tables
• Electrical power
• The exhibition must be supervised at all times when in use, preferably by staff accustomed to working in an interactive environment


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Exhibit list

Circuits – test and complete a simple low voltage circuit using a variety of electrical components: bulb, buzzer, motor, meter and switches
Circuit Tester – use two different probes across a tangle of wires to find which terminals are connected. The probes are also used to test which bulbs and fuses are blown
Conductors – place your hands on two plates to complete a low voltage electrical circuit and compare their conductivity with a range of different materials; use probes to check if materials are conductors or insulators
Electro-magnet – pass an electro-magnet across a set of trays containing different materials to test their magnetism: an assortment of iron nails, nuts, small compasses and a circuit with a magnetic switch
Generator – turn a small generator to power a number of devices; switch them on and off to compare the different levels of power input they need
Human Battery – four plates, two each of copper and aluminium are connected to a meter. By placing hands on two different materials a current can be generated, just like a battery
Magnets and Electricity – a long clear tube has coils of wire at intervals inside it, each connected to an LED. When a magnet is dropped down the tube it induces a current, lighting the LEDs as it passes through the coils
Morse Code – a pair of Morse Code transmitters are used to tap messages using the code provided. At each tap, a buzzer sounds or a light flashes
Resistance – observe the effect of passing a current through a bulb, a buzzer and a motor with different resistances. The volume of a speaker can be changed by moving a knob along the slide of a variable resistor
Solar Power – a light bulb (representing the sun) illuminates a solar panel, powering a small motor with rotating disc. Change the position of the panel or cover it with filters to represent different weather conditions and so alter the speed of the disc
Static Electricity – two domes containing different materials are rubbed with a piece of cloth, which makes the materials dance as a result of the static electricity produced
Wind Power – place different windmills in front of an air flow drives turbines to produce electricity. Change their position to alter their output which can be read on the meter.